Want to see if you can improve your relationship with your intimate partner, mother, father, son, daughter, sibling, friend, work colleague or other….basically anyone?
13 Reasons Why:
Sharing positive thoughts and vibes builds your self esteem
Sharing positive thoughts with another helps them feel good
Sharing positive thoughts and vibes reduces stress levels
Feeling good improves your immune system
Giving and sharing positivity connects us to our heart and integral loving self
More harmony in your relationship/s makes you feel better
When you feel better you have more to give to others
When you feel better you radiate a higher vibration
When you feel good you have better coping abilities
When you radiate at a higher vibration it impacts on all those around you and makes a difference to the collective consciousness on the planet
Sharing positive thoughts and vibes deepens your connection with other
Focusing on positivity requires us to be more conscious – raising consciousness facilitates growth
Seeking and sharing positivity changes the energy between you and can facilitate the healing of old wounds
This experiment is free, takes miniscule time, could be fun, will be interesting to see the outcome, a free copy of my book goes to the person who gets the most Facebook likes and it’s just a nice thing to do. Nobody loses and everybody potentially gains.
On 1st October – for the best stories of transformation judged by Facebook friends with the most likes, I will give a free copy of my book “101 Strategies for True Health and Empowerment – Healing from Within” A great resource for the home library. It will be my pleasure to post it to you where-ever you are in the world at no cost to you. It’s my way of saying thank you for joining in this experiment.
Share with your friends and encourage them to participate – lets build the love vibes in our own little part of the world.
Here’s the Plan – it’s easy
Choose a relationship that you would like to apply to this experiment.
Assess your relationship on a scale of 1-10. Basically overall, how would you rate your relationship. 1 = low 10 = high
Every day for 21 consecutive days, find at least one thing to appreciate about your nominated relationship and share it with them.
Here’s some ideas to get you started.
It could be the simpliest things like:
Putting the heater on before you get up each cold morning
Their honest feedback about …. (be specific)
Their hug
Cooking dinner
Putting the rubbish out
Doing the washing
Folding the clothes
Their smile
Some facial or body features
Buying dinner
Doing the shopping
Cleaning something
Unpacking the food shopping
Looking after family while you had some time out
Spending time with you
Really listening to you
Their laugh
Their generosity of time
Their willingness to help others
Doing specific repairs
Looking after the children, or other family member
Their kindness to another
Garden care
Car maintenance
Their touch
Holding your hand
Opening the jar you couldn’t
Reading to the children
How they look
Their commitment to family
Their commitment to their job
Their skill/s
Their values
The way they stroke your hair
Helping you with a project
Loving you
Please share your ideas on Facebook to inspire others.
Many of these ideas and nicieties may be common in your relationship.
The objective for this challenge is to emphasize your appreciation for 21 consecutive days, which is outside of your normal way of relating to them…., at the same time, respecting another’s boundaries.
That could be done by, ensuring you have eye contact first, or reaching out and touching their arm prior to expressing you appreciation, or giving a big smile.
The important thing is it must be a genuine expression, so your heart is involved. We can all sense an insincere or shallow comment. You will know what feels different to your “norm.”
Why 21 Days?
This is “an experiment” and a commitment to see what results manifest for you in 21 days. It is commonly said that 21 days is the time frame for changing old habits and integrating new ways of being.
Daily Incentive
Common stories at the foundation of disharmony and pain in relationships is because we don’t feel heard, valued, respected or appreciated. We often feel misunderstood or taken for granted. The 21 day relationship challenge could be your chance to heal old wounds, create a new beginning and the foundation for a happier connection.
Look for positives in your elected relationship – that activity alone will help to keep you in a higher vibration feeling good and facilitate your inspiration for your appreciation.
Spiritual teachers tell us, when wanting to improve relationships in any form its not about waiting for the other person to change, but what you can or will do to make change yourself. When you change the energy between you changes and so the other person can then change in response. The power is always with self.
Sharing appreciation helps us both feel good and can create a domino effect. Share the love. Best not to have expectations, which could block the energy flow between you.
Let’s make a difference and DO IT!
Look out for my relationship post each day till the end of September.
I’m excited.